043 703 6300




The agency is development a wool and mohair industry which is based on the improvement of levels of beneficiation and income generation for small-scale wool and mohair producers.

The industry has abundant potential in the province because of its suitable vegetation for grazing wool sheep and angora goats. The industry produces wool and mohair jerseys, suits, jackets, socks, blankets, scarves, carpets, apparel, duvets, jackets, upholstery material and felting among many.


The plan is to facilitate sustainable re¬sourcing for wool and mohair production whilst promot-ing sustainable environmental/green practises. A facility to aggregate and add value to the wool product of communal and emerging woolgrowers will be established. The ECRDA also aims to assist emerging wool and mohair farmers to achieve “green” certification for their farms. This will ensure that their farms conform to Responsible Wool Standards (RWS) and Responsible Mohair Standards (RMS) in order to achieve premium prices for their wool and mohair.


Since 2015, the ECRDA has been working with a pilot group of five emerging mohair famers in the Somerset East district. All five farmers have successfully completed the requirements to comply with the Responsible Mohair Standards. They should therefore receive premium prices for their mohair.

Elundini Wool Hub

The Elundini Wool Hub Project is being established in collaboration with the Elundini Local Municipality and the Department of Agriculture. The targeted area in the Elundini region can produce about one million kilograms of wool per annum. This figure could increase to more than two million kilograms per annum in the next five years if more communal areas supply wool to the hub while adopting better production methods. An amount between R20 million and R25 million is needed to get the Elundini project to the desired scale.

Elundini Region

1 million kg’s of wool per annum


If you are a sheep farmer wishing to participate in the wool and mohair programme, please get in touch us to get you started.

Head Office

3-33 Phillip Frame Road,
Waverley Office Park,
2nd Floor, Chiselhurst,
East London, 5201

Head Office

3-33 Phillip Frame Road,
Waverley Office Park,
2nd Floor, Chiselhurst,
East London, 5201

Report fraud to 0800 701 701:
Reports are made anonymous in
all official South African languages

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About Us

Vision and mission of the ECRDA

Guiding Principles

The values that underpin the
vision and mission of ECRDA


ECRDA’s policy and legislative mandates

Organisational Structure

The leadership structure of

Board of Directors

Board charged with guiding the ECRDA’s overall plans


The leadership team that ensure execution of the boards plans


Farmers are supported so that they can effectively compete in the global market place.

Cannabis and Hemp

Promoting the growth and development of the cannabis and hemp industry.

Forestry Development

A strong community focus.

Marine Tilapia Industry

Development of a thriving marine tilapia industry.

Wool and Mohair

Developing competitiveness of small-scale farmers.

Rural Finance

Finance that stimulates vibrant rural economic activity.