043 703 6300




The ECRDA manages a rural finance programme which provides loans to deserving rural entrepreneurs.

Loans stimulate vibrant economic activity in rural and economically-depressed areas of the province while opening up opportunities for job creation. The extension of these credit facilities is critical in unlocking so¬cio-economic value in rural communities which often do not have the required security and collateral prescribed by private lending institutions.

What is the funding Criteria?

The ECRDA conducts its business in full compliance with the prescripts of the law. This means the ECRDA’s lending practices are in line with the National Credit Act (NCA) which is enforced by the Na¬tional Credit Regulator (NCR). The ECRDA conducts personal credit assessments on loan applicants in order to avoid reckless lending and over-indebtedness.

Who can apply?

The agency’s loan facility is available to entrepreneurs in all sectors of the rural economy. These sectors include retail, informal traders, primary producers, agro-processing, manufac-turing, forestry and livestock development among others.

What are the processes followed?

Prior to a loan being disbursed, there are processes that predate this stage, namely loan enquiry, loan application and loan approv¬al. The Loans Management System (LMS) records all these stages of loan consideration. Physical registers are used in addition to the LMS system.

What are the loans on offer?

ECRDA loans are quite diverse ranging from primary production, val¬ue addition and business- related facilities.


The ECRDA also provides aftercare support aimed at ensuring the survival and competitiveness of the enterprises funded by the entity. The sustainability of these enterprises is crucial in maintaining a decent repayment rate as well as in saving jobs.


Talk to us if you are a rural-based entrepreneur looking to unlock growth opportunities for your business through ECRDA loan funding.

Head Office

3-33 Phillip Frame Road,
Waverley Office Park,
2nd Floor, Chiselhurst,
East London, 5201

Head Office

3-33 Phillip Frame Road,
Waverley Office Park,
2nd Floor, Chiselhurst,
East London, 5201

Report fraud to 0800 701 701:
Reports are made anonymous in
all official South African languages

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Sign up for updates on ECRDA news and offers

About Us

Vision and mission of the ECRDA

Guiding Principles

The values that underpin the
vision and mission of ECRDA


ECRDA’s policy and legislative mandates

Organisational Structure

The leadership structure of

Board of Directors

Board charged with guiding the ECRDA’s overall plans


The leadership team that ensure execution of the boards plans


Farmers are supported so that they can effectively compete in the global market place.

Cannabis and Hemp

Promoting the growth and development of the cannabis and hemp industry.

Forestry Development

A strong community focus.

Marine Tilapia Industry

Development of a thriving marine tilapia industry.

Wool and Mohair

Developing competitiveness of small-scale farmers.

Rural Finance

Finance that stimulates vibrant rural economic activity.