The Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency (ECRDA) is a schedule 3C entity in terms of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA).
It was established as a result of two public entities, namely, the Eastern Cape Rural Finance Corporation (ECRFC) and ASGISA – Eastern Cape (PTY) LTD. ECRDA has a dedicated focus on formulating, promoting, and ensuring the implementation of a comprehensive integrated rural development strategy for the Eastern Cape.

Uqoqosho Iwamaphadle oluzinzileyo, oluquka uwonke-wonke (An inclusive and sustainable rural economy)
“Connecting abanegalelo to catalyse the prosperity of the rural Eastern Cape”

Values and Guiding principles

We will be transparent in all our dealings and promote inclusive and accountable participation by all stakeholders.

We will strive for creativity and innovation. Through innovation we enhance our ability to mainstream appropriate technologies that
benefit the poor and rural communities.

Commitment to empowerment
We will be transparent in all our dealings and promote inclusive and accountable participation by all stakeholders.

We will strive for the highest organisational achievement in all aspects of service delivery in our mandate of rural development.

Honesty & Integrity
We will strive to remain consistent, trustworthy and demonstrate respect and commitment in our intentions by setting an example of true professionalism and ethical propriety in all our dealings.

We will demonstrate our commitment to the value of Ubuntu through our interaction with the community and adopting a mind-set of shared humanity.

Legislative mandate
Policy mandate
Section 3 of the Eastern Cape Rural Finance Corporation Amendment Act 2012, provides the legislative mandate of the ECRDA which is the following objectives and powers. The objectives of the corporation are to promote, support and facilitate rural development in the Province.
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